Table of Contents

Murailles de Samaris (Les)

Les Murailles de Samaris [The Great Walls of Samaris] is the first volume of the chronicles of the Obscure Cities, published as an album in 1983, after a run in (A Suivre) from June to September 1982.

Les murailles de Samaris was the first result of the collaboration between Schuiten and Peeters, and they have always admitted never having been quite satisfied with it. In 1984, they took advantage of a re-edition of the album to change a few pages and make the story mesh better with the rest of their universe; inserting a scene where we meet a young Robick, who by then had become a major character in the series.


Franz Bauer is asked to visit Samaris and research the rumors about this city. Some people have left for Samaris but did not return: Mark and Clara (youngest sister of Anna), and someone called Pierre. Franz leaves for Samaris. After a long journey by Altiplan and Aerophele he reaches Samaris. He stays in the only hotel of the city. He meets Carla in a club. The days pass by all in the same way. In the end Franz tries to break out of the daily routine and finds out that the whole city is build with panels. The whole city is fake. He returns to Xhystos but many years have passed and nobody knows Franz. Eventually he can meet the council, but they deny that they have send him on his quest. Franz leaves Xhystos.

See also the in-depth review of the album by Julian Darius:

original page of Les Murailles de Samaris

First letter by Benoît Peeters to Didier Platteau (Casterman) about “Murailles de Samaris”

Other editions / translations

1983Les Murailles de SamarisFrenchCasterman44SC2203335130
1983De Muren van SamarisDutchCasterman48SC9030380519
1983Las Murallas de SamarisSpanishTotem-Comics50SC8475270433
1983Collana Humanoidi presenta Schuiten-Peeters: Le Mura di SamarisItalianTotem-Comics48SCn/a
1984Les Murailles de SamarisFrenchCasterman48HC2203335130altered ending (page 42 and further, and altered page 35)
1984Murene i SamarisDanishBorgen48SC8741870093
1985Murarna i SamarisSwedishComet48SCN/APublished in “Comet” 1985/2
1986De Muren van SamarisDutchCasterman56SC9030385510Including “Terug naar Samaris” by Benoît Peeters, numbered I-VIII
1986Les Murailles de SamarisFrenchCasterman48HC2203335130
1987The Great Walls of SamarisEnglishNBM Publishers48SC0918348366
1988Murene i SamarisDanishBogfabrikken56SC8772971258
1988Les Murailles de SamarisFrenchCasterman64HC2203343044
1990Die Maurn von SamarisGermanReiner Feest Verlag48SC3893431586
1990Die Maurn von SamarisGermanReiner Feest Verlag48HC3893431586Deluxe edition, 350 copies. Signed.
1991De Muren van SamarisDutchCasterman64SC9030385510Including “Terug naar Samaris” by Benoît Peeters, 11 unnumbered pages
2000De Muren van SamarisDutchCasterman64HC9030385987Including “Terug naar Samaris” by Benoît Peeters, 11 unnumbered pages
2003As muralhas de SamarisPortugueseWitloof Edições50HC9728711166
2007Les Murailles de SamarisFrenchCasterman90SC9782203006911Enhanced version. Added Les Mysterères de Pȃhry: I Le grand secret, II Passage du Louvre, III Le Fugitif (changed version), IV L'éstrange cas du dr Abraham
2008Mury SamarisPolishManzoku64SC9788361382034
2009Τα Τείχη Της SamarisGreekΕλευθεροτυπία64SC9789608359789
2012Bedemi SamarisaCroatianFibra92HC9789533210353Like the 2007 enhanced French edition with added Les Mysterères de Pȃhry
2012闇の国々JapaneseShoPro Booksn/aHC4796871322Part of bundle 2
2015Die Mauern von SamarisGermanSchreiber & Leser96SC9783943808636Like the 2007 enhanced French edition with added Les Mysterères de Pȃhry
2016撒玛利亚的城墙ChinesePeople's Fine Arts Publishing House96SC9787102073675
2017SamarisEnglishIDW Publishing96SC9781631409424New translation by Steve Smith of Alaxis Press.
2023Mury SamarisPolishScream Comics96SC9788367161831

See also