Altaplana, world of Francois Schuiten and Benoit Peeters

the impossible & infinite encyclopedia of the world created by Schuiten & Peeters

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Perle (la)

La Perle [The Pearl] is a story by François Schuiten and Benoît Peeters published in the enhanced edition of La Route d'Armilia.

A dead ringer for the King Baudoin transposed into the world of the Obscure Cities

After the success of the marriage of Grace Kelly to Prince Rainier Belgian palace advisers thought that it a goode idea to propose also such glamorous marriage to the King Baudouin. Several actresses should been approached, including Eva Marie Saint, who had played in the North by Northwest. But the idea went out, althoug we're partially inspired by this story for The Little King , that could be called “Secret Life of young King Baudoin” , explains Benoît Peeters. ”We also tapped into the most misunderstood tale of Andersen“ , extends François Schuiten: ”'The Princess and the Pea'! The little King is a project we performed for a cartoon that was never born. We have therefore taken up and reworked to fit into this set of child stories, most of which are illustrated stories as comics itself.1).

As a coproduction of Goldvision and France2 an animation was made in 1995 for the series “Il était une fois…” based on images by François Schuiten and a scenario by Jean-Luc Fromental.