Altaplana, world of Francois Schuiten and Benoit Peeters

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Monopoly Trainworld

Monopoly Trainworld is a themed Monopoly set, showcasing the Belgium railways for the first time ever. The set is exclusively available from the Train World museum bookshop since December 2019.

Copyright: NMBS – Train World

Thanks to the breathtaking scenography in Train World, conceived by François Schuiten, Train World offers the visitor a unique journey of discovery through the history of the Belgium railways. That “Odyssey” can now be continued playfully at home thanks to this new thematic Monopoly. With this Monopoly game you can learn all about the history of trains in Belgium, from the first run in 1835 to the present day.

In this version of the Monopoly game the first goal is to buy the properties of the game board (trains and stations) and to build maintenance posts or workshops so you can rent them for a maximum rental price. The most beautiful and best performing railway vehicles can be purchased: from the first locomotive (1835) to the Thalys and from the mythical Wagons-Lits carriages to the most modern NMBS trains.

Train World and NMBS have collaborated with the companies DicoGames, Winning Moves and Hasbro to realize this game.

This collector’s edition includes a magnificent drawing of the Type 12 engine by François Schuiten.