Altaplana, world of Francois Schuiten and Benoit Peeters

the impossible & infinite encyclopedia of the world created by Schuiten & Peeters

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Alaxian Velocipede

Alaxian Velocipede is the first vehicle perfected by Axel Wappendorf, when he was only 12 years old 1). His father always refused to climb on board, arguing that the contraption was not equiped with brakes 2). A number of similar designs have been proposed in our own world; and, if it is indeed tempting to say that some ideas have “passed”, it is more difficult to say who has influenced who 3).

The Alaxian Velocipede
An ad in Brussels (1999 AD) “Why reinvent the wheel?”.
Roland de Cremer on his way to the Center for Cartography
The One Wheel Motorcycle, capable of reaching a top speed of 93 mph. (1931) 4)
Mono-cycles des agents J et K (Men in Black 3, 2012)
Moyen de transport de Blossfeldtstad (Schuiten & Peeters, Le Guide des Cités, 1996)
Nadia et le secret de l'Eau Bleue (Gainax, 1990)
Prototype Sodrovno-Voldachien d'après les travaux du professeur Axel Wappendorf (Schuiten & Peeters, La frontière invisible, T2, 2004)
Prototype Sodrovno-Voldachien d'après les travaux du professeur Axel Wappendorf (Schuiten & Peeters, La frontière invisible, T2, 2004)
La roue de la mort, blindé Sodrovno-Voldachien (Schuiten & Peeters, Luminas, n°15, page 13, décembre 2004 / illustration originellement issue d'un magazine scientifique étasunien de 1933).
Steamboy (Otomo Katsuhiro, 2004)
Roland de Cremer revenant au Centre de Cartographie après un congé (Schuiten & Peeters, La frontière invisible, T2, 2004)
Moto-roue du général Grievious (Star Wars : Episode III - La Revanche des Sith, 2005)
W3 (Tezuka Osamu, 1965-66)

See also: