Formes de la ruine

The exhibition Formes de la ruine (Forms of the Ruin) in Museum of Fine Arts of Lyon, has its origins in the book by art historian and archaeologist Alain Schnapp, Une histoire universelle des ruines. Des origines aux Lumières, published in 2020 by Éditions du Seuil, of which it is a variation. The aim of the exhibition is to make this history visible, from a global and comparative perspective, from prehistory to the contemporary period.

Drawing on a selection of over 300 works, this exhibition is designed as a journey through ruins, in an ongoing dialogue between civilisations and is centered around four themes: memory and oblivion, the tension between nature and culture, the link between the material and the immaterial, and the confrontation between the present and the future.

The exhibition is held from 1 December 2023 to 3 March 2024. Between the 300 works also original artwork of François Schuiten is on display.

On Sunday December 17, 2023 Benoit Peeters held a presentation called “La Tour et autres ruines obscures”.

Pictures by Benoît Peeters.